Read More...<span class="screen-reader-text"> from Creating Stereoscopic Video for the Apple Vision Pro</span></a></p>" /> Read More...<span class="screen-reader-text"> from Creating Stereoscopic Video for the Apple Vision Pro</span></a></p>" />
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Peter Leix

Great article, I tried the avp and bought one right away this winter because I really think this is the future of cinema and in the not too distant future we will be consuming films this way. I built computers for my wife who animates in 3d and have tried the previous 5-10 headsets and none of them did anything for me outside of thinking it was fun for gaming. Spatial video on the avp however is incredible, it really tricks your brain into thinking you are in that actual environment.
There was a great article right after it launched about how there was no camera that could shoot in enough resolution and it was nice to see my favorite camera company create the solution with the ursa dual sensor. I thought of trying the canon setups but I don’t like canon’s video and the iphone pro max video looks as good or better than any other solution at the moment in my testing. I’ve converted a good amount of my own personal videos into spatial with mixed results, I shoot mostly on drones, the inspire 3 which can capture 8k raw. I’ve been surprised to see what screws the conversion software up, but more so just how cool the ones that work are to watch
I plan on getting the new ursa and working to make more spatial video my only concern is when the price will be right to have enough people using avp’s. I think that barrier will take time and we will see a number of different cameras made for spatial capture in the next few years

Bryan Whitney

the Canon 180 Vr lens on the canon r5 could be a good solution in the meantime: but what is the workflow to get it onto the Vision Pro ??????

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