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Adam Harper

Hi Kevin,

As someone trying to get up to speed with Avid again after a long hiatus, thanks for this. I have one question in regards to step 6. You say that you delete the media files after picture lock, I assume for the sake of space and avoiding potential confusion with the relinking process? However if one needs to go back and re-edit it (as you say, when is something actually locked), do you just re-transcode everything or is there a step I’m missing?
I realise this was written back in May so I totally understand if you don’t respond but I thought I’d try my luck!

Thank you,


Dan Meadows

Instead of deleting you could perhaps just consolidate to another drive then remove the drive and reverse those relinking steps if you need to go back to do a re-edit (depending on how significant the re-edit is)? Maybe not much of a time saver but possibly.

Dan Meadows

Hi Kevin,
Thanks for this helpful article and for the many helpful articles/videos you’ve done over the years. I’ve been an Avid editor for 26 years and agree that relinking is probably Avid’s biggest weakness. I actually use Premiere and Resolve much more now but from time to time have to restore old Avid projects to update them. My workflow, unlike here, was usually entirely using linked/AMA media. I seldom needed to transcode and so didn’t. I have a very specific file organization structure that I archive and restore exactly as it it was, but unfortunately Avid almost NEVER sees the restored media or does so completely haphazardly. One would think that the linked clips would automatically relink to the media that has the exact same file path as the last time the project was opened, but it doesn’t. So, as you mentioned , under step 8 I usually also bring the files into an empty bin through the source browser. Sometimes this will bring things back online as Avid firgures out where everything is, but rarely. I’ve basically given up restoring/relinking linked/AMA clips and have to do work-around including entirely re-editing into a dupe of the sequence or using a master file for all but what I need to edit. I can’t believe this is still where Avid is. Do you have any suggestions? Thanks a ton.

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