Read More...<span class="screen-reader-text"> from The Reality of Unscripted Television Editing</span></a></p>" /> Read More...<span class="screen-reader-text"> from The Reality of Unscripted Television Editing</span></a></p>" />

The Reality of Unscripted Television Editing

Are you an editor who just landed your first reality show? Or are you an assistant editor who is moving up to the edit chair? Then this webinar is designed to get you up to speed on editing unscripted television. Discover many of the Tips and Tricks in the reality show editor’s toolbox to turn you into a pro in no time.

First we’ll explore the differences between active television viewing and passive viewing. Why reality shows are different and why you might hate them. Then we’ll dive into the structure of a reality show and how important the “acts outs” are. Have you ever balked at the 2 hour commitment to watch a movie only to find yourself binge watching 6 hours of television? Act outs are the reason why. We also cover Frankenbiting: what it is and how its used. Finally we’ll outline the template of a typical unscripted show and even go over a glossary of terms to ensure you sound like a professional in no time. By the end you’ll have learned enough to convince producers that you know what you are doing and are the right person for the job.

– Active television viewing vs passive tv viewing.

– Acts outs and Act ins

– Frankenbiting

– Unscripted show template

– Glossary of Terms

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