
Richard Wirth

Richard Wirth had barely learned to read when his parents brought the glowing box into the living room. By the time he finished elementary school he had read all the books about television in his community's small public library. The more he read (and of course watched), the more he dreamed of one day becoming a part of the world of television production. Stops on his life timeline include a few local radio and television stations, several mid-western production companies, the American Forces Television Network during his time in the Army and the Motion Picture Association. Eventually, his path lead him to NBC’s beautiful downtown Burbank and later, NBC News. Always looking for new toys to play with, he launched a venture that became The Network Group, a production and transmission services company specializing in planning and providing production services for scheduled or ad-hoc live broadcasts for the networks and corporate television. Along the way, he added consulting and teaching to his resume. Recently he retired from the School of Cinematic Arts at the University of Southern California where he served as Manager of Post Production for fourteen years.